Lyrics [SUNG VERSE 1: ] 漂向北方 別問我家鄉 Piāo xìang běifāng bié wèn wǒ jiāxiāng (I'm) wandering north, don't ask me about my hometown 高聳古老的城牆 擋不住憂傷 Gāosǒng gǔlǎo de chéngqíang dǎng bù zhù yōushāng The towering ancient walls can't block out (my) sorrow 我漂向北方 家人是否無恙 Wǒ piāo xìang běifāng jiārén shìfǒu wúyàng (I'm) wandring north, is (my) family alright? 肩上沉重的行囊 盛滿了惆悵 Jiān shàng chénzhòng de xíngnāng shèng mǎnle chóuchàng The heavy parcel on my shoulders is full of despair [RAP 1: ] 有人說他在老家欠了一堆錢 需要避避風頭 Yǒurén shuō tā zài lǎojiā qìanle yī duī qían xūyào bì bìfēng tóu Some people say that his family owed a lot of money, and he needed to run away 有人說他練就了一身武藝卻沒機會嶄露 Yǒurén shuō tā lìan jìule yīshēn wǔyì què méi jīhùi zhǎn lù Some people said that he practiced his martial arts for a long time, but did not have a chance to display them 有人失去了自我 手足無措四處漂流 Yǒurén shīqùle zìwǒ shǒuzúwúcuò sìchù piāolíu Some people have lost themselves, aimlessly floating around 有人為了夢想為了三餐為養家糊口 Yǒurén wéi le mèngxiǎng wèile sān cān wèi yǎngjiā húkǒu Some people (are doing this) for the sake of their dreams, for three square meals, or in order to raise their families 他住在燕郊區 殘破的求職公寓 Tā zhù zài yànjiāo qū cánpò dì qíuzhí gōngyù He lives in the Swallow (Yan) Suburbs, a broken-down apartment building for job seekers 擁擠的大樓裡 堆滿陌生人都來自外地 Yǒngjǐ de dàlóu li duī mǎn mòshēng rén dōu láizì wàidì The cramped apartment is full of foreigners from out of town 他埋頭寫著履歷 懷抱著多少憧憬 Tā máitóu xiězhe lǚlì húaibàozhe duōshǎo chōngjǐng He lowers his head to write his resume, holding on to so much hope 往返在九三零號公路 內心盼著奇蹟 Wǎngfǎn zài jiǔsān líng hào gōnglù nèixīn pànzhe qíjī (He) paces back and forth on 930th Street, hoping for a miracle [SUNG (& RAPPED) : ] 忍著淚 (不聽也不想 不敢回頭望的遺憾) Rěnzhe lèi (bù tīng yě bùxiǎng bù gǎn húitóu wàng de yíhàn) Hold the tears (Don't listen and don't think, don't dare to turn back and look at regrets) 掩著傷 (扛下了夢想 要毅然決然去流浪) Yǎnzhe shāng (káng xìale mèngxiǎng yào yìrán juérán qù líulàng) Bury the hurt (Put down the dream, have to keep wandering) 抬頭看 (卸下了自尊 光環 過去多風光) Táitóu kàn (xiè xìale zìzūn guānghúan guòqù duō fēngguāng) Lift your head and see (Let go of self-esteem, halo, the past was so brilliant) 著斜陽 (就算再不堪 敗仗 也不能投降) Zhe xiéyáng (jìusùan zài bu kān bàizhàng yě bùnéng tóuxíang) The sunset (even if there's no success, only failure, cannot give up) 親愛的 (再見了南方 眺望最美麗的家鄉) Qīn'ài de (zàijìanle nánfāng tìaowàng zùi měilì de jiāxiāng) (My) dear ones (goodbye to the South, seeing the most beautiful hometown) 在遠方 (椰子樹搖晃 夢境倒映著的幻象) Zài yuǎnfāng (yē zǐ shù yáohùang mèngjìng dàoyìngzhe de hùanxìang) Are far away (coconut trees are swaying, in the hallucinations brought on by dreams) 這城市 (霧霾太猖狂 不散 都看不清前方) Zhè chéngshì (wù mái tài chāngkúang bú sàn dōu kàn bù qīng qíanfāng) This city (the fog is too thick, it won't go away, (I) cannot see in front of me) 太迷網 Tài mí wǎng Is too confusing [REPEAT SUNG VERSE 1L] [RAP: ] 空氣太髒 太混濁 他說不喜歡 Kōngqì tài zāng tài húnzhuó tā shuō bu xǐhuan The air is too dirty, to polluted, he says he doesn't like it 車太混亂 太匆忙 他還不習慣 Chē tài hǔnlùan tài cōngmáng tā hái bù xígùan The traffic is too thick, too busy, he's not used to it 人行道一雙又一雙 斜視冷漠眼光 Rénxíngdào yī shuāng yòu yī shuāng xiéshì lěngmò yǎnguāng The walkways are full of pair after pair of cold eyes 他經常將自己灌醉 強迫融入 這大染缸 Tā jīngcháng jiāng zìjǐ gùan zùi qiǎngpò róngrù zhè dà rǎngāng He often gets himself drunk to force himself to adapt to this big melting pot 走著腳步蹣跚 二鍋頭在搖晃 Zǒuzhe jiǎobù pánshān èrguōtóu zài yáohùang (He) is staggering drunk, the alcohol bottle is swaying (in his hands) 失意的人啊偶爾醉倒在那胡同陋巷 Shīyì de rén a ǒu'ěr zùi dào zài nà hútòng lòuxìang Dejected people often fall down drunk in that alley 咀嚼爆肚涮羊 手中盛著一碗熱湯 Jǔjué bàodǔ shùai yáng shǒuzhōng shèngzhe yī wǎn rètāng (He) chews on lamb meat, he has a bowl of warm soup left in his hands 用力地 溫暖著 內心裡的不安 Yònglì dì wēnnuǎnzhe nèixīn lǐ de bù'ān (He's) trying hard to warm (his) heart (which is) full of discomfort [REPEAT SUNG (& RAPPED) SECTION: ] [REPEAT SUNG VERSE 1: ] [SUNG 2: ] 就像那塵土飄散隨著風向 誰又能帶領著我一起飛翔 Jìu xìang nà chéntǔ piāosàn súizhe fēngxìang shúi yòu néng dàilǐngzhe wǒ yīqǐ fēixíang Just like dust floating in the wind, who can lead me to fly along? 我站在天壇中央閉上眼 祈求一家人都平安 Wǒ zhàn zài tiāntán zhōngyāng bì shàng yǎn qíqíu yījiārén dōu píng'ān I stand in the middle of the Temple of Heaven and close my eyes, praying that my family is okay [REPEAT SUNG VERSE 1 WITH RAP 3: ] 我站在天子腳下 被踩得喘不過氣 Wǒ zhàn zài tiānzǐ jiǎoxìa bèi cǎi de chuǎn bùguò qì I stand at the foot of the heavens, stepped on until I cannot breathe 走在前門大街 跟人潮 總會分歧 Zǒu zài qíanmén dàjiē gēn réncháo zǒng hùi fēnqí Walking in the public streets with the mass of humanity, disagreements are inevitable 或許我根本不屬於這裡 早就該離去 Huòxǔ wǒ gēnběn bù shǔwū zhèlǐ zǎo jìu gāi lí qù Perhaps I don't even belong here, I should have left long ago 誰能給我致命的一擊 請用力到徹底 Shúi néng gěi wǒ zhìmìng de yī jī qǐng yònglì dào chèdǐ Who can give me a fatal blow? Please do it forcefully, completely 這裡是夢想的中心 但夢想都遙不可及 Zhèlǐ shì mèng