Dưới đây là những cụm động từ và ví dụ cụ thể được trích ra từ cuốn sách "A Diary of a Wimpy kid - Old School" (Cậu bé nhút nhát tập Trường học cũ) : Grow up: To develop into an adult - trưởng thành Ex: But I think they're just fealous because my generation has all this fancy nechnology and stuff they didn't have growing up. Give up: To stop trying to do st – bỏ cuộc. Ex: I'm just hoping she gives up on this idea soon. Turn out: To be present – xuất hiện. Ex: I bet our ancestors would be pretty disappointed with they way we turned out. Come up with: Find an answer = đưa ra, nêu ra, tìm ra Ex: All of a sudden some genius came up with an idea. Sign up (for st) : To arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to the list of people doing it – đăng kí. Ex: The main reason I signed up for Film Camp was because I thought it was for people who are serious about movies, like me. Find out: To understand st. Ex: But I found out it was really just a place where parents could dump their kids off for some cheap babysitting. Get out of st: To leave or go out of a place. Ex: The other reason I signed up for Film Camp was to get out of the house. Come on: Used in orders to tell sb to hurry or to try harder = nhanh nào, cố lên. Look forward to doing st: Mong chờ điều gì đó. Ex: With the pig in the house, I was actually looking forward to school starting. Turn st<-> in = hand st in: To give st to sb in authority – nộp lên. Ex: I turned in the assignments the next day. Luckily I checked it over before handing it in. Work out: To develop in a successful way = diễn ra tốt đẹp Ex: The way I see it, this is working out for everyone. Make st ó up: Invent a story, especially in order to trick or entertain sb = bịa ra. Ex: He started making up assignments to challenge himself. Go on: To happen = đang xảy ra, tiếp tục. Ex: I deserve some kind of credit if he goes on to do big things. Rule sb/st<-> out: To state that st is not possible – loại bỏ. Ex: I ruled out Rodrick's room right away. Screw up = mess up: To do st badly or spoil st – làm hỏng. Ex: Every time one of us kids screws up it just makes Dad even more tense. Figure out = find out = realize or understand st = nhận ra, tìm ra. Ex: I couldn't figure out how to open the them on my own. End up: To find yourself in a situation that you did not intend or expect to be in = rơi vào trong trường hợp (kết thúc) ngoài dự đoán. Ex: I got the order of things all wrong and ended up wearing socks over my shoes. >> Tui mặc sai thứ tự và cuối cùng thành ra đi tất bao ngoài giày. Turn (from st) into st: To become st. Ex: When u mix different flavours of ice cream together it just turns out grey slop. >> khi đằng ấy trộn đủ loại kem với nhau thì nó sẽ hoá thành thứ chất lỏng xám xịt. Â. Â Stick around: To stay in a place, waiting for st to happen or for sb to arrive = quanh quẩn một chỗ Ex: I'm pretty sure Rodrick was hoping we'd all just go home and leave him alone after that, but Mom wanted to stick around. Hang out: To spend a lot of time in a place = nán lại đâu đó. Ex: When Rodrick went on his fifteen-minute break we hung out with him in the employee lounge. Give st a try: Thử làm gì Ex: Put an end to sb: Kết thúc việc gì đó Break up with sb: Chia tay với ai Break out of st: To escape from a place or a situation= thoát khỏi tình trạng, nơi nào đó Ex: So I've been showing Grandpa how to do online dating to help him break out of his funk. Dress up: To wear clothes that are more formal than those u usually wear = trưng diện. Ex: They've got him dressing up as Old-TImey Tobias, the restaurant's mascot. Come up: An event or a time is going to happen very soon = sắp tới. Ex: All the buzz at school has been about this big trip to Hardscrabble Farms that's coming up next month. Head off: Bắt đầu khởi hành, bắt đầu xuất phát. Ex: I've already decided I'm gonna be the one kid who stays back when everybody else heads off on the trip. Count on st/sb: Believe st/sb = tin tưởng ai, điều gì Ex: He was counting on bunking with me. Deal with st= giải quyết vấn đề gì Ex: I've got my own problens to deal with. Come in: To take part in a discussion, to arrive somewhere = tham gia một cuộc họp, tới nơi nào đó. Ex: The reason the school asked Mom and Dad to come in was to tell them my homework grades have improved so much. Show up: To arrive where u have arranged to meet sb or do st= xuất hiện để làm gì, gặp ai đó. Ex: The manager told Mom that Rodrick never showed up for work. Look for = tìm kiếm Ex: We got back in the van to go and look for him. Work off <-> st: To get rid of st, especially a strong feeling = thoát khỏi cái gì. Ex: Grandpa's supposed to sit in time-out for an hour a day to work off his punishment. >> Muốn thoát khỏi hình phạt thì ông nội phải ngồi một chỗ tự kiểm điểm tầm 1 giờ mỗi ngày. Keep an eye on sb/st: Để mắt tới ai. Ex: But what I do know is that he's not just using it to keep an eye on grandpa. >> Nhưng điều mà tôi bận lòng nhất là bố không chỉ sử dụng nó với ông nội thôi đâu. Get out of: Thoát ra Ex: When I was getting out of the town pool, my bathing suit fell down a little. Friday- Saturday- Run out of: Hết, cạn kiệt thứ gì Ex: The town ran out of money. Take over: Đảm nhiệm Ex: Families stopped coming once teenagers took over. Wake up: Thức dậy Ex: I woke up this morning. Hand over: Trao cho, đưa qua. Ex: Dad surprised me by handing over twenty dollars in 'seed money' to help me get started. Look up: Tra cứu, tra tìm. Ex: I figured we'd get going by looking up the recipe of lemonade on the Internet. Get rid of sb/st: To make yourself free of sb/st that is annoying u or that u do not want, to throw st away – vứt bỏ, thoát khỏi. Ex: We had to get rid of those. Set up = begin = thiết lập, bắt đầu. Ex: We set up our stand on the pavement. Suck it up: To accept st bad and deal with it well= chấp nhận sự thật và tìm cách giải quyết. Ex: We realized we were just gonna have to suck it up. Pass out= qua đời. Ex: He looked like he was gonna pass out. Shell out <-> for st: To pay a lot of Money for st= đổ tiền ra mua thứ gì. Ex: I told her we were gonna sell our fitness water to anyone who was willing to Shell out a few bucks. Rope sb <-> in/into: To persuade sb to join in an activity or to help to do st, even when they do not want to = lôi kéo ai vào tham gia cái gì. Ex: I knew I had to get out of there as quickly as possible or I'd get roped in, too. >> Tôi biết mình phải chuồn lẹ lẹ hoặc cũng bị kéo vào chuyện này. Goof off: To spend your time doing nothing, especially when u should be working= há miệng chờ sung. Ex: The community-service guys were more interested in goofing off than pitching in. >> Mấy anh tù làm công ích xã hội này thích há miệng chờ sung hơn là đi ăn cắp. In charge of: Đảm nhiệm Ex: Within ten minutes, they had organized everyone at the park clean-up into separate teams, with A Girl Scout in charge of each one. >> Trong 10 phút, họ đã chia những người làm vệ sinh tại công viên thành từng đội, mỗi đội đều có một cô giám sát quản lý. Pass sb/st by = to happen without affecting sb/st = không liên quan gì tới ai, việc gì. Ex: The Girl Dcouts weren't gonna let an opportunity to do some fundraising pass them by. Worn out /adj/: To become, or make st become, thin or no longer able to be used, usually because it has been used too much = bị vắt kiệt, hết tác dụng. Ex: After an hour of raking, I was worn out and wanted to go home. >> Sau một giờ cào lá, tôi đã kiệt sức và chỉ muốn lao về nhà ngay. Pick sb up: Tới đón ai. Ex: I got back to the pool before Dad came to pick me up. Turn off: Tắt, đóng. Ex: I guess I was supposed to turn off a valve or something. >> Đáng ra tôi phải đóng ngay cái van lại. Put up with sb/st: To accept sb/st that is annoying, unpleasant without complaining = công nhận, thừa nhận ai/ điều gì. Ex: She wasn't gonna put up with any nonsense from anybody. Go through st: To look at or examine st carefully, especially in order to find st= tra xét. Ex: The chaperones go through everyone's bags to make sure nobody was trying to sneak in any junk jood. Take care of sb/st: Quan tâm, chu cấp tới ai, điều gì. Ex: I had just assumed the bedding would taken care of. Check out: Kiểm tra. Ex: Mr Jefferson called his wife to come and pick Rowley up and take him to get it checked out. >> Ông Jefferson phải gọi cho vợ tới đưa Rowley đi kiểm tra vết thương. Hand st <-> out to sb: To give a number of things to the members of a group= phân phát. Ex: Mrs Graziano handed out mail to all the kids who got something delivered from home. >> Mrs Graziano phát mail cho tất cả những người nhận được quà từ nhà gửi lên. Pull st <-> off: To succeed in doing st difficult= giải quyết triệt để. Ex: I have no idea how we're supposed to pull that off. Use st <-> up: To use all of st so that there is none left = tận dụng hết thứ còn thừa, dùng không còn sót lại chút nào. Ex: The thieves also went through my bag and found the baby wipes, which they used up in our bathroom. >> Mấy tên trộm cũng lục soát bọc hành lý của tôi và tìm thấy túi bỉm dành cho em bé rồi dùng hết sạch chúng trong phòng tắm, một cái cũng không tha. Be/get carried away: To get very excited or lose control of your feelings = quá khích. Ex: Everyone was excited that we could make a fire without the help of an adult, but we got a little carried away with the high fives and Emilio's glasses got crushed in the celebration. >> Tất cả mọi người đều hưng phấn khi nghĩ tới việc tự làm lửa trại mà không cần người lớn giúp đỡ, nhưng chúng tôi quá khích một chút lúc đập tay và thế là cái kính của Emilio 'đi đời' ngay và luôn trong cú đập đó. Turn into: Hoá thành. Ex: Jordan said maybe we should raid one of the girls' cabins and steal some of their deodorant, but that turned into a big debate about whether girls actually use deodorant. >> Jordan đưa ra chủ ý lục soát và trộm lấy lọ khử mùi trong lều của tụi con gái, nhưng cuối cùng lại lạc thành chủ đề liệu tụi nó có cần dùng tới thứ đó không. Những điều học được khi đi dã ngoại: 1. Đốt lửa trại bằng cách để ánh sáng mặt trời chiếu vào chiếc kính cận, nó sẽ tụ lại thành một dòng sáng, chiếu dòng sáng vào vật dễ bắt lửa như lá khô, củi khô, nó sẽ bốc khói và cháy. 2. Cẩn thận khi thu thập củi, lá, trong rừng có một số loại có độc gây nguy hiểm tới hô hấp hoặc tính mạng như lá ngón. Bring up: Nêu ra vấn đề Ex: Then Jeffrey made everything a hundred times worse by bringing up the subject of Silas Cratch. Stir up: Kích động Ex: That got my cabinmates all stirred up, and I thought they were gonna scatter in every direction. Pick st <-> up: To indentify or recognize st= phát hiện, nhận dạng, phân biệt được. Ex: Emilio saved the day when he picked up a scent in the air. Call st <-> off: To cancel st; to decide that st will not happen= hoãn lại. Ex: I decided to call off the mission to get the deodorant, but by then it was already too late. >> Tới lúc tôi quyết định hoãn lại nhiệm vụ trộm lọ khử mùi thì đã quá muộn. Trampling one another to escape: Giẫm đạp lên nhau để trốn thoát. Send shivers down my spine: Lạnh sống lưng. Throw sb off the trail: Đánh lạc hướng ai (trong suy nghĩ) Take st <-> up: To accept st that is offered or available = đồng ý đề nghị của ai. Ex: I took Dad up on his offer. Get pay for st: Trả giá bằng cái gì. Then I deserve to get paid for my time and effort. Set for life: Hưởng thụ cuộc sống. I'll bet my real parents are set for life, thanks to me.