Đề bài: Stanford students are widely known to possess a sense of intellectual vitality. Tell us about an idea or an experience you have had that you find intellectually engaging. Bài làm : In Jin Yong’s kung-fu novels, Dugu Qiubai is a sword master who has never lost a battle and wishes to know the feeling of a loser. On passing away, Dugu builds a maze and leaves there three swords for his descendents. In the entrance room, he put a sword which can cut everything. On my first few weeks at high school, the I fought against Geometry with numerous theorems I had learnt. Staring at the figures, I could feel my instruments spinning but still could not see the solution. A novice trained in Dugu’s maze. Finding the weapon, he practiced days after days and finally advanced to the next level. Despite his expectation for better sword to cause lethal wounds to his opponents, he found only a wooden one. The next days with Geometry, I gradually discovered that the art of problem solving has never lied in theorems. Meanwhile, I had not to simply apply “bazooka” theorems and kill a problem in five lines but to employ fundamental theorems creatively to cut the knot. I tried to draw extra elements to link the isolated figures together but I saw just pieces torn away. Sometimes I tended to return to my loyal “bazookas” but on telling myself how challenging using a wooden sword to slash a stone should be, I went on. A month later, I transformed from an amateur who lost in frost with Geometry into a profession who stay in place with it. Ultimately I got the key of Dugu’s training: working with worse weapons brings more dexterity. Even predicting the next guide in Dugu’s maze would be fighting with bare hands, using palms as shields and fingers as swords, I practiced what I called “naïve Geometry” with only the simplest theorems. Eventually, in the team selection test of my country, I was among the only three contestants who solved the Geometry problem but whose solution was more extraordinary than the official one. I turned the page over, sticking my eyes to virtually every letter of the novel. “Jin Yong–you are truly a genius!”.